golib  0.5


class  goMath::Eigenvalue< Real >
 Eigenvalue computation of real matrices. More...
class  goMath::LU< Real >
 LU Decomposition. More...
class  goMath::VectorIterator< T >
 Vector iterator for multi-dimensional array data. More...
class  goMath::ConstVectorIterator< T >
 Cons iterator over vectors. More...
class  goMath::Matrix< T >
 Matrix class. More...
class  goMath::SVD< T >
 Singular value decomposition. This class can do full SVD or thin SVD. It uses sgesvd_() or dgesvd_() from the linked LAPACK library (as opposed to goMath::ThinSVD). Instantiated for goFloat and goDouble types. More...
class  goMath::Vector< T >
 General vector class. More...


typedef goMath::Matrix< goDouble > goMath::Matrixd
typedef goMath::Matrix< goFloat > goMath::Matrixf
typedef goMath::Vector< goFloat > goMath::Vectorf
typedef goMath::Vector< goDouble > goMath::Vectord
typedef goMath::Vector< goInt32 > goMath::Vectori


goSize_t goMath::complexEigenvaluesHermite (const goMath::Matrix< goComplexf > &m, goMath::Vectorf &eigenvaluesRet, goFixedArray< goMath::Vector< goComplexf > > *eigenvectorsRet=0)
template<class T >
void goMath::matrixMult (T alpha, const goMath::Matrix< T > &A, bool transA, const goMath::Matrix< T > &B, bool transB, T beta, goMath::Matrix< T > &C)
 Calculate $C = \alpha \cdot A \cdot B + \beta \cdot C $. More...
template<class T >
void goMath::matrixPower (goMath::Matrix< T > &A, T scalar)
template<class T >
bool goMath::matrixVectorMult (T alpha, const goMath::Matrix< T > &A, bool transA, const goMath::Vector< T > &x, T beta, goMath::Vector< T > &y)
 calculate $ y = \alpha A x + \beta y $. More...
template<class T >
bool goMath::vectorAdd (T alpha, const Vector< T > &x, Vector< T > &y)
 y = alpha * x + y More...
template<class T >
void goMath::vectorOuter (T alpha, const Vector< T > &x, const Vector< T > &y, goMath::Matrix< T > &ret)
 Outer vector product $ A = A + \alpha \cdot x \cdot y^\top $. More...
template<class matrix_type , class pivot_vector >
bool goMath::Lapack::getrf (matrix_type &A, pivot_vector &ipiv)
 Lapack getrf. More...
template<class matrix_type , class pivot_vector >
bool goMath::Lapack::getrs (const matrix_type &A, bool transA, matrix_type &B, const pivot_vector &ipiv)
 Lapack getrs. More...
template<class matrix_type , class pivot_vector >
bool goMath::Lapack::getrs (const matrix_type &A, bool transA, goMath::Vector< typename matrix_type::value_type > &B, const pivot_vector &ipiv)
template<class matrix_type , class pivot_vector >
bool goMath::Lapack::getri (matrix_type &A, const pivot_vector &ipiv)
 Lapack getri, invert a LU-decomposed matrix. More...
template<class matrix_type , class vector_type >
bool goMath::Lapack::gels (matrix_type &A, bool transA, vector_type &b)
 Lapack gels. Least square solution of a linear system. More...
template<class matrix_type , class vector_type >
bool goMath::Lapack::gelss (matrix_type &A, bool transA, vector_type &b, vector_type *singularValues=0)
 Lapack gelss. More...
template<class matrix_type , class vector_type >
bool goMath::Lapack::posv (matrix_type &A, vector_type &b)
 Lapack *posv procedure for solving symmetric linear systems. More...
template<class matrix_type >
bool goMath::Lapack::posv (matrix_type &A, matrix_type &b)
 Lapack *posv procedure for solving symmetric linear systems. More...
goMath::Vector< T >::conjInnerProduct (const Vector< T > &) const

Detailed Description

Linear Algebra Objects

Use goMatrix and goVector for matrix and vector operations. Others, like go4Vector and such will be deprecated and replaced solely by the former two classes. goMatrix and goVector use CBLAS routines for some operations and more will be added. Using CBLAS moves the matter of optimisation for a specific platform outside of golib. The operator* and operator*= operators use CBLAS. For best performance, when you want to do something like C = A^\top \cdot B + C, use goMatrixMult(). Explicitly transposing a matrix should not be necessary, if I find it is for some operation, I will add functions that overcome this. Transposition of a goMatrix is possible with getTranspose() or transpose(), but is very slow since the data are copied.

Singular value decomposition can be done using goSVD. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors can be calculated with goEigenvalue. Both are adapted versions from the Template Numerical Toolkit, a freely available implementation of a few linear algebra algorithms.

Function Documentation

◆ gels()

template<class matrix_type , class vector_type >
bool goMath::Lapack::gels ( matrix_type &  A,
bool  transA,
vector_type b 

Lapack gels. Least square solution of a linear system.

For $ A \in R^{m \times n}$ solves $ \min_x \|Ax - b\|$ or $ \min_x \|A^T x - b\|$ if m >= n, or it finds the minimum norm solution of $ Ax = b $ or $ A^T x = b $ if m < n, so that $ Ax = b$ is underdetermined. A must have full rank.

AMatrix A. Will be overwritten by QR or LQ decompositions.
transAIf true, A is used transposed.
bRight hand side vector. Will be overwritten with the solution vector.
True if successful, false otherwise.
Appears not to work – needs testing (examples/lapack.cpp)

◆ gelss()

template<class matrix_type , class vector_type >
bool goMath::Lapack::gelss ( matrix_type &  A,
bool  transA,
vector_type b,
vector_type singularValues = 0 

Lapack gelss.

NEEDS TESTING, UNTESTED. Possibly the LDA is wrong if the matrix is not square (which is true in general).

◆ getrf()

template<class matrix_type , class pivot_vector >
bool goMath::Lapack::getrf ( matrix_type &  A,
pivot_vector &  ipiv 

Lapack getrf.

Uses ATLAS' clapack implementation.

Replaces A by its LU-decomposed form, $ A \gets LU, \, ipiv \gets P $ so that $ AP = LU \, . $ U is unit diagonal, P pivots columns.

AMatrix to be decomposed.
ipivPivot vector (filled by this function).
True if successful, false otherwise.

◆ getri()

template<class matrix_type , class pivot_vector >
bool goMath::Lapack::getri ( matrix_type &  A,
const pivot_vector &  ipiv 

Lapack getri, invert a LU-decomposed matrix.

Uses ATLAS' clapack implementation.

The matrix must be in LU-form created by getrf().

AMatrix to invert. Must be in LU form and must be quadratic.
ipivPivot vector as created by getrf().
True if successful, false otherwise.

◆ getrs()

template<class matrix_type , class pivot_vector >
bool goMath::Lapack::getrs ( const matrix_type &  A,
bool  transA,
matrix_type &  B,
const pivot_vector &  ipiv 

Lapack getrs.

Uses ATLAS' clapack implementation.

Solves $ A x = B^\top $ for x, assuming A is LU-decomposed e.g. with getrf(). Implemented for goFloat and goDouble. pivot_vector must be of type int, and provide getSize(), resize() as well as getPtr() methods (such as goMath::Vector). matrix_type must essentially be goMath::Matrix.

B contains the right hand side vectors in its rows. Always remember this. This is apparently an effect of using row major order which stems from ATLAS.
AMatrix A
transAUse A transposed
BRight hand side (the right hand side vectors are in the rows of B, not the columns!). On success, the rows contain the solutions.
ipivPivot vector (from getrf()).
True if successful, false otherwise.

◆ matrixMult()

template<class T >
void goMath::matrixMult ( alpha,
const goMath::Matrix< T > &  A,
bool  transA,
const goMath::Matrix< T > &  B,
bool  transB,
goMath::Matrix< T > &  C 

Calculate $C = \alpha \cdot A \cdot B + \beta \cdot C $.

A and B can optionally be used as transpose. This function uses CBLAS functions.

This function is implemented for goFloat and goDouble, using cblas_[s|d]gemm functions from CBLAS.

alphaMultiplicative factor for A
AMatrix A
transAIf true, A will be used transposed.
BMatrix B
transBIf true, B will be used transposed.
betaMultiplicative factor for C
CMatrix C, also holds the result.

◆ matrixVectorMult()

template<class T >
bool goMath::matrixVectorMult ( alpha,
const goMath::Matrix< T > &  A,
bool  transA,
const goMath::Vector< T > &  x,
goMath::Vector< T > &  y 

calculate $ y = \alpha A x + \beta y $.

Sizes of A and x are checked. If y has mismatching size, it is resized and initialised with 0 before the operation.

Parameters are named as in the formula above.

Uses cblas_<>gemv().

alphaScalar factor
AMatrix A
transAIf true, A is used as transposed.
xVector x
betaScalar factor (for y)
yVector y, also holds the result.
true if successful, false otherwise.

◆ posv() [1/2]

template<class matrix_type >
bool goMath::Lapack::posv ( matrix_type &  A,
matrix_type &  b 

Lapack *posv procedure for solving symmetric linear systems.

ASymmetric matrix, no special storage, must be upper right.
bContains the right hand side vectors in its rows. This is due to the actual lapack routine using column major storage and we use the more C-like row major. Contains the solutions if the method returns true. The solutions are contained in the rows, again because of the underlying routine using column major storage.
True if successful, false otherwise.

◆ posv() [2/2]

template<class matrix_type , class vector_type >
bool goMath::Lapack::posv ( matrix_type &  A,
vector_type b 

Lapack *posv procedure for solving symmetric linear systems.

ASymmetric matrix, no special storage, must be upper right.
bRight hand side vector. Contains the solution if the method returns true.
True if successful, false otherwise.

◆ vectorAdd()

template<class T >
bool goMath::vectorAdd ( alpha,
const Vector< T > &  x,
Vector< T > &  y 

y = alpha * x + y

Implemented for goDouble and goFloat

Uses cblas_<>axpy functions. Sizes of x and y must match and are checked for.

alphaScalar factor
xVector x
yVector y
True if successful, false otherwise.

◆ vectorOuter()

template<class T >
void goMath::vectorOuter ( alpha,
const Vector< T > &  x,
const Vector< T > &  y,
goMath::Matrix< T > &  ret 

Outer vector product $ A = A + \alpha \cdot x \cdot y^\top $.

Implemented for goDouble and goFloat using cblas_<>ger(). Other types are directly implemented and therefore slower in most implementations.
alphaScalar factor
xVector x of size M
yVector y of size N
retReturn matrix A, of size MxN. Resized and initialised to 0 if it does not have the right size.